When and how to contact CityFibre or your broadband provider

When and how to contact CityFibre or your broadband provider

Information on who you should contact for your queries and complaints

Our Help & Support section is full of answers to our most frequently asked questions, explaining our role in building and maintaining our CityFibre fibre network and how we work with a number of Broadband providers to enable them to provide you with a fibre service. If you can't find the right answer or have a more urgent matter then please refer to the contact options below. Importantly, please note that as we do not sell fibre directly to consumers; any questions you may have about a service you have purchased, including it’s installation, billing and speed, MUST be directed to your Broadband provider, who will work with CityFibre directly IF they believe our technical or engineering services are required.

Contact CityFibre

  • Health and Safety concerns or incidents - please call our emergency line 0800 298 6267 (Examples of when to use this number: barriers have been taken or have fallen down, temporary traffic lights are not working or damaged, damage (including graffiti) to our equipment and street furniture such as as poles, cabinets or exchanges).
  • Construction and build issues or complaints - please complete our contact form or call our Customer Service team on 0800 083 6160 (Mon-Fri 09:00 to 17:00)
  • Career opportunities and application management - To apply for a role at CityFibre please visit our careers pages where you will find all of our available roles. If you have a applied for a vacancy, our recruitment team will be in touch and provide you with the relevant contact information for that role.
  • Stop receiving direct mail from CityFibre - please complete our unsubscribe form
  • To understand what CityFibre do, what’s involved in building our network and what to expect when we are in your local area, which broadband providers we work with, how to prepare for a full fibre broadband installation on our network and many, many more frequently asked questions please refer to our help & support FAQ’s

Contact your broadband provider

CityFibre is a full fibre network provider, we work closely with broadband providers, they provide you with the broadband service and will manage all of your service enquiries. You may already have contact information provided by your chosen broadband provider, if not, we have a list that may be able to help - CityFibre Broadband Providers.

Examples of when to contact your broadband provider:

  • If you have an issue with the installation of a broadband service you have purchased. Including late arrival of engineers or the cancellation of appointment with no notice given.
  • Please note: CityFibre engineers will complete the broadband installation on behalf of your broadband provider, this is managed and arranged by your broadband provider. CityFibre do not install Telephone or Television services on behalf of broadband providers. If you purchased these services, your broadband provider should make additional arrangements for the installation of these services.
  • If you wish to change an installation date and haven’t been provided an SMS link to do so, please contact your broadband provider directly.
  • If you have an issue or a fault with the broadband service you subscribe to. Your broadband provider will be able to support identifying where the issue lies (in your home, their equipment or with the network). Should they require technical or engineering assistance from CityFibre, they will make us aware of the fault directly. Please be aware that your broadband provider also has access to the latest updates on any reported/known faults and pre-planned outages.
  • If you have a query regarding your fibre subscription contract, including your monthly payment, or are moving home, please contact your Broadband service provider
  • If you have completed a Wayleave form, to gain permission for works, and are looking to understand next steps and timing, please contact your Broadband provider directly. They will liaise with CityFibre as required to arrange for works required.

Troubleshooting: before contacting your broadband provider, you may wish to try some troubleshooting, this support article will provide you with some tips - My full fibre broadband and/or WiFi has stopped working, what can I do?

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