Rollout | The Full Fibre Broadband Network

We operate the UK’s largest independent, fibre only network, with ​millions of premises already covered and services live in locations right across the country.​

Our financed rollout programme targets up to a third of the UK market; representing up to 8m homes, 800k businesses, 400k local authority sites and 250k 5G access points. Our network currently provides the UK's fastest wholesale broadband services with symmetrical speeds up to 2.5Gbps.

  • 0 m


  • 8 m


  • 0 k


  • 800 k


  • 0 k

    public sector sites

  • 400 k

    public sector sites

  • 0 k

    5g/mobile sites

  • 250 k

    5g/mobile sites

Want to join our network?

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CityFibre, the UK’s largest independent full fibre platform, has passed 3m premises as it continues its full fibre network rollout to reach up to a third of the UK.

We're committed to hard-to-reach areas too

CityFibre is proud to be delivering four regional contracts for Project Gigabit, the UK government’s programme to enable hard-to-reach communities to access lightning fast, gigabit-capable broadband.

CityFibre completes its flagship rollout in Milton Keynes

Primary-build is completed, providing 90,000 homes with access to CityFibre’s Full Fibre network.