Statement: Response from CityFibre re: Openreach fines


City communications

Statement: Response from CityFibre re: Openreach fines

27 March 2017

STATEMENT: RESPONSE FROM CITYFIBRE RE OPENREACH FINES Mark Collins, Director Strategy & Policy at CityFibre, commented: “Whilst welcomed by those service providers, which for decades have had no choice but to use a creaking BT Openreach and its out-dated copper networks to serve customers, this fine and compensation highlight a stark truth. The historic absence of at-scale digital infrastructure competition has resulted in reputational damage and lost business for service providers as well as delays and unreliable/inadequate services for the UK’s businesses and consumers. Thankfully the tide has changed. “The rise of alternative, agile, full-fibre infrastructure builders is providing the industry, government and regulator with a choice for the first time. It is only through the continued investment and dynamism of full-fibre challengers like CityFibre, that we can hope to offer the UK an alternative digital future.”