Project Gigabit
Full speed ahead: CityFibre's build now underway in all Project Gigabit areas
20 January 2025
That unknown number ringing into my mobile and I had a split second to decide whether to accept the call or to reject it!
Twenty minutes later, and I am impressed by the quality, and the direction of the call, in fact I felt really connected. The professionalism of James, a Resourcing Business Partner in CityFibre HR, and his sincere interest in my background and current circumstances had left a good first impression, he listened to me! I began to mirror James' enthusiasm, and dug a bit deeper, to conduct some research into CityFibre. A company I had never heard of before now. Vaguely remembering that this would have been one of the many job listings I had applied for since being furloughed, and then made redundant from my previous place of work due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
I waited in anticipation for CityFibre’s next call. In the interim, I had been offered another position with a group to work in a different sector, but I was left feeling disappointed, like I’d come 2nd place in a race. DNA (Destiny Not Affected), that second call did come. Later, I sat in my car during a windy and wet lunch break, an interview via Microsoft Teams with James and Charlie, Build Resourcing Lead Partner. I was ecstatic when I was invited to take the new position of Build Resourcing Coordinator - whoopy!
Within a week, my HR pack, new laptop, and mobile phone had arrived, and my home working set up was complete. Now I was taking my first steps into ‘The CityFibre Way’. The welcome and back up support I have received from HR, IT, Marketing, Finance, Training, Onboarding, and the Build Partner Resourcing teams to name but a few, has been consistently exceptional! I’m still impressed, my suggestions and point of view are still listened to, and I am enjoying the role immensely. In just under three months, the team I am a part of has grown, we are evolving rapidly and already achieving great success. ‘The CityFibre Way’ embedded like DNA is inspiring and a challenge, but I feel like I won the race after all and got first place. Thank you, Charlie, and CityFibre for the opportunity.
Ceris Wisdish
Build Resourcing Coordinator
With network projects in over 60 cities and construction underway to reach up to 8 million homes
Project Gigabit
20 January 2025
City communications
20 January 2025
City communications
9 January 2025