CSR - Why connecting with your community matters

CSR - Why connecting with your community matters

A regular debate that stirs in many businesses is ‘just how valuable is Corporate Social Responsibility activity to our company?’

26 April 2018

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A regular debate that stirs in many businesses is ‘just how valuable is Corporate Social Responsibility activity to our company?’

Entanet has a long and proud history of trying to make a positive difference in the community, because as a responsible employer we believe in giving something back to our locality and we know it’s something our staff feel passionately about getting involved with.

In 2017 alone Entanet raised over £7,000 for a variety of charities including Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Severn Hospice and SANDS. Events included a Christmas raffle, Christmas party donations, casual dress days and even braving Tough Mudder!

But what is the business case for actively getting involved in CSR activities?

Well, a 2015 study by Cone Communications/Ebiquity Global into the value of CSR highlighted that:

  • 91% of global consumers expect companies to do more than make a profit, but also operate responsibly to address social and environmental issues
  • 84% say they seek out responsible products whenever possible
  • 90% would boycott a company if they learned of irresponsible or deceptive business practices

[2015 Cone Communications/Ebiquity Global CSR Study]

In 2012 Forbes.com also highlighted six key reasons why companies should embrace CSR activity:

  1. Innovation – looking at new initiatives that drive environmental sustainability and efficiency for your business can spark the inspiration for new products and services that can also benefit the customers you serve.
  2. Cost savings – reducing your carbon footprint often means using less energy and leads to lower bills for the business.
  3. Brand differentiation – as markets become more fiercely competitive finding the edge that makes you stand out from the crowd becomes more important. Highlighting the ways your business is socially responsible is great way to do this.
  4. Long-term thinking – more efficient and sustainable practises create a more secure long term future for the business. Actively engaging with the community around you is also a great way to source and nurture new talent into your staff because they are already engaged with you and have a greater knowledge of what you stand for.
  5. Customer engagement – CSR activity is a great way to spark a conversation with the customer and involve them in what you’re doing so they’re more engaged with you.
  6. Employee engagement – tapping into the enthusiasm and passion of your staff through CSR activity is a great way to build stronger teams and a more positive and productive workforce can only be good for business!

[www.forbes.com: Six Reasons Companies Should Embrace CSR]

Entanet has recently underlined its commitment to the wider community by introducing a new Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) committee which comprises of 13 company volunteers.

The purpose of the committee is to develop, run and coordinate the CSR activities of Entanet throughout the year, focusing on four main areas:

  • Charitable giving and fundraising
  • Volunteering
  • Environmental impact
  • Diversity and inclusion

A key element of successful CSR activity is ensuring you support organisations whose values align with those of your business. This has been one of the first tasks for Entanet’s CSR committee, which successfully came up with a short list and coordinated a staff vote to decide Entanet’s nominated national and local charities for 2018/19.

We’re absolutely delighted to be backing Meningitis Now and Midlands Air Ambulance charities, so we ask you to keep an eye out on the Entanet website for information on all the events and initiatives we’re getting involved with to support these fantastic good causes and how you can get involved too!

Have your say!

Has CSR activity had a positive impact on your business? If so we’d love to hear some of your examples. Share your experiences by leaving us a comment below.

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