Project Gigabit
First 'Project Gigabit' customers in Suffolk connect to CityFibre's full fibre network
12 December 2024
Regulatory news
Today, Wednesday 12th July, will see a ‘day of action’ across the Internet as several major US companies join a co-ordinated protest against proposed changes to US net neutrality laws. To recap, net neutrality is the principle of treating all traffic over the Internet equally- so no service is favoured against another because they have paid the ISP delivering the service more money, for example. Under Obama’s Government the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) implemented legislation that protects that principle and forces providers to treat all traffic fairly. However, the new Trump led Government is looking to overturn that and give providers more power to decide how traffic is treated and potentially generate additional revenues through paid prioritisation, potentially blocking or slowing down access to other sites.
With network projects in over 60 cities and construction underway to reach up to 8 million homes
Project Gigabit
12 December 2024
City communications
3 December 2024
Corporate news
1 November 2024