How do the DCMS broadband vouchers work?

How do the DCMS broadband vouchers work?

Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS), Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme (GVBS)

Residents that are eligible for gigabit vouchers can access the scheme through a supplier. Voucher funding can only be used through a broadband supplier registered to this scheme as part of a broadband upgrade project shared with your neighbours.

CityFibre is already rolling out Full Fibre networks in your area and may be able to develop a new project if there is enough demand in your community. We connect you and your neighbours and then request vouchers on your behalf. Funding is only committed when a voucher requested on your behalf has been approved by us, and we have your agreement to our terms and conditions.

Your voucher will go towards the costs of building the network, you’ll have to pay for a broadband package once it’s built.

Find out more on the Gigabit Voucher website.

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